Track | Front: Toe in 0° 30' (1/8") |
Rear: Toe in 0° 15' (1/16") | |
Camber | Front: Vertical to 0° - 30' neg. |
Rear: 0° - 30' to 1° - 0' neg. |
Tyre Pressures: | Front | Rear |
1600M/2500M | 22 lb/sq." | 24 lb/sq." | 3000M/Turbo | 24 lb/sq." | 26 lb/sq." |
This information came from a sheet entitled "M Series General Chassis Specifications". Two additional sheets that accompanied this cover rear suspension adjustment. This information is as correct as we can make it. If you use the data on these web pages and kill yourself, it's your fault, not ours. :-)
M Series General Chassis Specifications | Rear Wheel Camber Adjustment Information Sheet Issue 2 | Rear Wheel Track Adjustment Information Sheet Issue 2 |
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Factory Specs For 2500M Springs from the TVRCCNA
Tech Tips (Data Provided by William Arzt) |
Front | Rear | |
Free Length | 14 3/4" | 13 14/" |
ID | 2.68" | 2.26" |
OD | 3.562" | 3.06" |
Mean Dia. | 3.125" | 2.66" |
Rate | 135 lbs/in | 140 lbs/in |
Gauge | .437 | .400 |
Active Coils | 12 3/4 | 13 3/4 |
Total Coils | 14 1/4 | 15 1/4 |
Note that a front spring from an early 1974 2500M (removed from the car around 1985) measures 14" long unloaded and has a wire diameter of .443" . It has 14 coils + or - some fraction depending on where you count. The outer diameter is 3 1/2". The front springs were mounted using the two 1" collars described by Adrian Venn in the next article.
If you haven't purchased the TVRCCNA Tech Tips, do so, I'm not going to type
the whole thing in to the computer.
e.g. Vixen S4 would have 1 spring with 1x1" spacer (1600 engine) the 1600M had the same but the 2500M had 1 spring with 1x1" on the bottom with 1 X 1" at the top, with the 3000M having 1 x 1/2" at the top with 1x 1" at the bottom......... A lot of useless information if you have a later car OR the previous owner has already changed to 14" springs.
These days the standard setup seems to have gone by the wayside and ride height adjustable shocks with shorter springs, with the correct spring rating, that is set to carry the weight of the car seems to have taken over the pre-loaded type system that TVR designed into the 1972 chassis. My business has sold it's first set of standard springs in 3 years this week! 01/03.
If you need the standard spring seats, alloy spacers or advice on anything "M" I have about 100,000 UKP of M spares.
UK Phone: 01203596883 or 07956956042
This description about Vixen/M springs started as a letter from Adrian Venn
to a Vixen owner who had problems with new springs. If people really need to read that tale
I will try to contact the Vixen owner, or I will write about my adventures with ride height.